In July, the archives office of Hanas new energy group ushered in a new round of archives inspection peak. So far, it has received more than 40 file inspectors and accessed more than 1000 volumes / piece of archives, with the workload several times higher than usual. In the face of high access, file managers actively respond, busy but not disorderly, shuttle back and forth between offices and archives rooms, timely and accurately check and find out the data required by the reviewers, and make every effort to do a good job in file access services.

Behind this accurate and efficient file checking is the foreshadowing of a large amount of basic work done by file managers in the early stage. From file collection, sorting, classification, combination, filing to archiving, this process involves multiple links and steps, which seems simple, but in fact is complex and rigorous. In case of problems such as confusion of file classification caused by historical reasons, it also needs to sort out one by one, which is heavy and complicated.

With the cooperation of the archives management personnel, it took more than a year to standardize and sort out more than 1000 volumes of the archives of Mahuang mountain master phase I and other projects, re catalogue them and put them on the shelves, check them with the electronic information one by one, improve the electronic account, and make the storage and search of the archives faster and more accurate.

In June, the archives management personnel also went to the front line of the wind farm to observe the main equipment entities of the station on the spot, and had a more intuitive and in-depth understanding of the project.

At the same time, communicate with the project management personnel and the construction unit about the problems existing in the file management at this stage, so as to further improve the work efficiency.

In 2019, with the strong support of the company's leaders and the joint efforts of the archivists, the archives management of Hanas new energy group has been greatly improved. The archives management of the company has gradually become standardized, the Archives Awareness of all employees has been gradually strengthened, and a good atmosphere of self-help archives work has formed among all departments.

Archives management is a long-term, meticulous and principled business. Hanas new energy group will continue to improve and optimize the form of archives management in practice, improve the level of archives management, cultivate posts, study and improve with a practical and realistic working attitude, highlight refinement in a volume and a page, and strive to promote the quality and efficiency of archives work.