On July 30, Hanas New Energy Group organized an analysis meeting on business activities in the second quarter of 2024 to comprehensively review the main work carried out in the second quarter of 2024, discuss and determine the focus of work and specific measures in the third quarter, and ensure the smooth achievement of the annual goals. The management of the new energy group, heads of various departments and representatives of some business backbones attended the meeting.

The meeting first listened to the work report of the operation department, maintenance department and other departments in the second quarter. In the second quarter, all departments of the new energy group closely focused on the tasks and objectives determined at the beginning of the year, combined with the current reality, and took necessary measures to promote the progress of the work. The stable situation of safety and accident-free continued to be maintained, and the investigation and management of hidden dangers were further deepened, achieving 4,861 days of continuous safe production. Equipment operation and maintenance, power market transactions and project construction, and enterprise management are also implemented and promoted in turn as planned.

Based on the current reality and the reasonable prediction and analysis of the internal and external environment of the enterprise in the second half of the year, the participants focused on the exchange and discussion of key task objectives and specific measures in various business areas in the third and fourth quarters, further clarified the key difficulties, efforts and feasible measures in the third and fourth quarters, and formulated a work plan, so as to build consensus, enhance confidence, and lay the foundation and point out the direction for the realization of the annual task objectives.

Tan Chao, executive deputy general manager of the new energy group, made arrangements for relevant work, emphasizing that the safety management department should continue to carry forward the rigorous and pragmatic work style, continue to go deep into the grassroots, increase the safety supervision of each production site, timely discover and eliminate potential safety hazards, ensure the effective implementation of safety system measures, and resolutely adhere to the bottom line of safety production. The operation and maintenance departments should strengthen the sense of initiative, put an end to the negative thinking of "waiting, relying on, and wanting" in the case of objective constraints, and strive to improve the quality of equipment operation with more powerful initiative as a more powerful initiative to create and strive for favorable factors. Operations and other relevant departments should strengthen communication, cooperation and mutual support, anchor the key points of operation such as "volume", "price", "revenue" and "profit", work together and brainstorm, and make due contributions to the realization of the company's task goals in the third quarter and even the whole year.

Li Zhiqing, vice president of Hanas Group and chairman of New Energy Group, also encouraged the participants to strengthen their confidence, face difficulties, devote themselves to the current key work with a positive and enterprising spirit, grit their teeth in the face of difficulties, and work together to overcome difficulties.

Those who want the same up and down win, those who are in the same boat prosper, and those who are in the same boat win. Let us make further efforts and accelerate, with indomitable will and enterprising spirit, with courage, not afraid of challenges, and firm steps, and march towards a new journey together.